Help in Fighting Unwanted Spam

Worldwide Whois
Lookup domain name owner:
IP Whois
IP number:
RIPE (Europe)
Query the RIPE Database
Query the ARIN Database
APNIC (Asia Pacific)
Query the APNIC Database
Domain or Host:

Zone Transfer:
Host or IP address of site to trace to (do NOT complain to ISPs near the top, only the end ISP, use with care):
Host to ping:
Decode Obfuscated URLs
Cloaked URL:

Enter an IP address to see if it's listed in the MAPS RBL:
Enter an IP address to see if it's listed in the MAPS RSS:
OsiruSoft’s ORSS
Enter an IP address to see if it's listed in the ORSS database:

Spamhaus SBL Blocklist
Enter an IP address to see if it's listed in the SBL blocklist:

The Spamhaus Project
Want to know who's behind the spam you get?
The Spamhaus Project

The Rogue ISP Chart: ISPs who intentionally profit off the spam problem:
The Internet's top 10
Spam Support ISPs

The Spamhaus Project database holds information on spam support outfits:

Register Of Known Spam Operations
is an evidence database collating information on the Internet's known spam gangs:

Aurora Data Recovery Experter