Aurora's application form for Prao - Practical training in webb design, Internet and eCommerce, Företagsekonomi, kontorsarbete, Marknadsföring in Täby-Stockholm Sweden Application form for IT praktik, PRAO, at Aurora in Sweden

Application Form - Employment at Aurora

 Your name   (first name + family name)  
 Your date of birth in format YYYY-MM-DD   
 Male or female male   female
 Please enter your exact address
 Where are you living now?
 The name of your previous School or University
 What were you studying most recently ?
 The period you would like to work   to 
 Your e-mail 
 Your home telephone number 
 Your GSM telephone number 
 Your homepage (if you have one)
 How did you come in contact with us? 
 If you found us on the web,
 which search engine did you use?

Please tell us about your studies, free time interests etc or maybe some other data you may wish to add.


What factors influenced your choice of Aurora and what are your expectations during your employment.


STEP 4: Check your Data, then

Aurora Data Recovery Experter